Friday, September 2, 2016

Cane River by Lalita Tademy 🔖🔖🔖

I enjoyed this book fairly well, though I'm not sure it belongs on my "you have got to read this" shelf. Someone once said this is yet another book about the history of slaves losing one family member after another. I think they sorely missed the richness and purpose of this story. To me this is a book about strength and resiliency, remaining human when people around you treat you otherwise, family connection. I struggle to read stories of how we have treated others in the past as it hurts my heart and makes me angry. This was still the case in this story, but I loved how the author presented the recipients of such behaviors. When I'm treated poorly because of something I happened to have not chosen, I hope I can react as well as the women in this story.

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2023 Readings Wherein I Failed to Comment

Night by Elie Wiesel 🔖🔖🔖🔖 Looking for Alaska by John Green ✖️ Lilac Girls by Martha Hall Kelly ✖️