Friday, July 29, 2016

Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel 🔖🔖🔖

I wanted to love this book cuz one of my coolest friends ever rated it five stars. Evidence that I'm not as cool is that I can only give it three. I was not drawn into the book like I have been with my favorites. I admit I struggled a tad with the contrast from regular experiences to those of a more supernatural tone which were scattered throughout. I realize that was a cultural twist and I may have really been pulled into those if this were my own, so I'm admitting how shallow I am here by the fact that those moments distracted me. Including the ending of the book. A positive sign it was more than a mediocre story for me is the fact that I'm still, two days after completing it, pondering whether Tita's choice between John and Pedro was well chosen. Still not sure I'd recommend it to others to read.

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2023 Readings Wherein I Failed to Comment

Night by Elie Wiesel 🔖🔖🔖🔖 Looking for Alaska by John Green ✖️ Lilac Girls by Martha Hall Kelly ✖️