Thursday, August 24, 2023

So You Want to Be a Wizard by Diane Duane 🔖🔖🔖

This was a cute read for younger folks.

I found some parts to be quite confusing, some of it speaking as if we were all aware of what they were talking about when, in fact, it was fiction and we had no basis for understanding it. The children were exceptionally smart and intuitive for 12 year olds, which was a tad hard to buy into. There were several parts that were left unresolved, like the ending wasn't the ending. I realize this is a series, but it is a nice idea to have endings in each book anyway.

Yet ... this was thrilling to read, kept me on the edge of my seat, and I stayed up past my bedtime to finish it.

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2023 Readings Wherein I Failed to Comment

Night by Elie Wiesel 🔖🔖🔖🔖 Looking for Alaska by John Green ✖️ Lilac Girls by Martha Hall Kelly ✖️