Saturday, June 10, 2023

Ready Player One by Ernest Cline 🔖🔖🔖

This gets three stars because I actually enjoyed the thrill and excitement in watching how underdogs may or may not win. It was also fun to have a ton of 80s references I could relate to.

It doesn't get more stars as there was almost no character development, no arc to speak of, the main character was supremely self-interested, and so much of what happened was pretty far fetched and unbelievable. Too much had to happen at the exact right time for it to be remotely possible.

I'd probably not recommend.

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2023 Readings Wherein I Failed to Comment

Night by Elie Wiesel 🔖🔖🔖🔖 Looking for Alaska by John Green ✖️ Lilac Girls by Martha Hall Kelly ✖️