Friday, August 5, 2016

If We Survive by Andrew Klavan 🔖🔖🔖🔖

I tried to read another book by Klavan last year (The Last Thing I Remember) and found it extremely heavy on the "God front". I'm not athiest by any means and believe in prayer, however, it was in your face during that book. This one was on the edge, and thankfully stayed more palpable. The fact that the main character prayed was mentioned more than it needed to be, but it didn't detract from the action or the story line like Klavan has done before.

This was a thriller/action book and the intensity was there from very early on to the last few pages. It kept me interested in the story and kept me turning the pages. It was never boring. Just the kind of story I would have thrived on as a young teen, which is the intended audience. The writing is from a teen boy's point of view which had me unsure at the beginning, but it didn't take long to get into and relate to the character, so it became almost endearing as the story went along.

If I could give it 3.5, that's what I would do, but I'll push it up to 4 in this case. I don't need to own this one, but I am likely to recommend it to my young teen friends or anyone else who wants a fun, lively read.

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2023 Readings Wherein I Failed to Comment

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